Impact Makers recently hosted Capital Kanban’s “The Art of Agile: The Art of War Interpreted with an Agile Lens” with a fantastic turnout. Speaker Megan Windle, a Certified Agile Coach and Certified Scrum Master (CSM), compared the ideas in Sun Tzu’s The Art of War with the principles of Agile, discussing Agile concepts and quotes from the book.
What does Agile have in common with war? Megan showed there are more commonalities than you might think. Both present problems to solve and require strategic thinking. However, planning ahead can only get you so far, some things have to be figured out along the way. The wisdom in the Art of War has lessons that extend to all of life and the life of Agile projects, including planning, self-governance, and just-in-time information.
Hope to see you at the next Capital Kanban event. Check out the calendar and join.